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Don't dare accuse Phil Lord and Christopher Miller's 22 Jump Street of being a paint-by-numbers sequel, a piece of Hollywood hackwork that aims to be exactly like the first, only bigger and more expensive — the men and their screenwriters will make that case for you, and when they do it, you'll laugh. "Nobody gave a shit about the Jump Street reboot," says Ice Cube's hardass Captain Dickson — the first of many times when a character speaks of the fictional crime-fighting operation in ways that clearly refer to the movie itself — but having succeeded, Dickson says, it will continue. He goes on: "We've doubled the budget, as if that would double the profit."

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True to its promise, this one practically Xeroxes the first film's plot, having bumbling cops Jonah Hill and Channing Tatum pose as students to bust a campus drug ring whose dangerous new pharmaceutical just claimed its first life. This time, Tatum's Jenko is the one who bonds with the cool kids he's supposed to be investigating, abandoning his unhip partner, Schmidt (Hill) — the betrayal is even captured on surveillance equipment, as it was last time. Fortunately, 22 is just like 21 in at least one more way: It's laugh-packed, self-aware in a manner that lets everyone in on the joke,(Download 22 Jump Street) and goofily satisfying in the action department. Though doubling the profit of the $202-million grossing original is as silly a goal as Capt. Dickson suggests, this outing should have no trouble connecting at the box office.The partners enter the film in the kind of blockbuster-grade chase 21 couldn't have attempted: Having caught a crime lord called Ghost (Peter Stormare) with an 18-wheeler full of illegal exotic animals, they wind up riding atop it as it careens down the highway, dangling from its sides and menacing its drivers, Terminator-style, until … they flop.

Soon Dickson and the police brass (Nick Offerman) decide the men should stick with what they've already succeeded at. Do it just like last time, Offerman insists in his patented voice of authority.Happily (since the men aren't getting any younger), this new drug craze is surging at a college instead of at a high school. And at a fraternity-friendly campus, Jenko is finally on territory he understands: He finds his soulmate in Zook (Wyatt Russell), a quarterback who gets Jenko on the football team and in with the Zetas. Dimwitted Jenko, who never got past high school ("I'm the first person in my family to pretend to go to college," he tells Schmidt proudly) is finally getting to live the touchdowns-and-raging-keggers dream.(Download 22 Jump Street) One of the most winning things about 21 Jump Street was watching Tatum, whose genes should make him king of any known high school, work through mystification, anger and sadness when confronted with teens who didn't value his brand of dumb-macho cool. Making Schmidt the outcast this time is less successful: The plump, clumsy, socially awkward dude is the one who's supposed to be unhappy, right? So the screenwriters dive deep into bromance, focusing on awkward encounters in which Jenko tries to expand his world without hurting Schmidt's feelings.

"Maybe we should just investigate other people," he says. Soon the "open investigation" becomes an explicit breakup, and an Annie Hall gag dropped slyly into the opening scenes bears unexpected fruit.It's not all bad news for Schmidt, who starts a sexually gratifying but potentially disastrous relationship with a lovely art student named Maya (Amber Stevens). That woman's perpetually grumpy roommate (Jillian Bell) gets more mileage than anyone out of the film's many jokes about the stars' age, but Maya seems blind to Schmidt's schlubbiness.The most reliable humor here comes from the film's 30 Rock-like way of drawing attention to the showbiz cliches it's indulging in,(Download 22 Jump Street) but Ice Cube wasn't joking about the production value: In addition to meta gags, we do get big stunty chases and the like, especially when the action moves south for spring break. The finale is totally ridiculous but fun, finally allowing these two mismatched buddies to form one perfect unit of cop-flick cool.21 Jump Street was one of the surprise hits of 2012; a genuinely funny flick that brilliantly subverted its source material to produce something that was both clever and original.

Based on the 1980s TV show of the same name, the film starred Channing Tatum and Jonah Hill as a pair of cops sent undercover at a High School, the stars proving to be a winning double act, with Tatum in particular a comedic revelation. And directors Phil Lord and Chris Miller squeezed every last drop of humour out of the premise, resulting a film that was filled with laugh-out-loud moments.They’ve taken an ‘if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it’ approach to the sequel however, telling pretty much the same story and infusing it with many of the same jokes. The result is a film that’s still consistently funny throughout, but nevertheless feels a little lazy and tired.Tatum and Hill return as Jenko and Schmidt,(Download 22 Jump Street) proceedings kicking off with a ‘Previously on 21 Jump Street’ intro that pay tribute to the film’s television roots. Then it’s straight into the action, with the mismatched pair endeavouring to take down a drug dealer using terrible Mexican accents and via a spectacular lorry chase that could have come straight out of a Lethal Weapon or Bad Boys movie.It’s clear that the budget is bigger this time around, and the screenplay points that out at every available opportunity, poking fun at Jump Street’s expensive new headquarters – whereBad Boys IIBad Boys IIRide Along21 Jump Street Korean Jesus has been replaced by his Vietnamese counterpart – and even having the boys crash into an ATM to hammer the point home.

Yet while there might be more money in play, the plot remains resolutely the same, with our heroes sent to College rather than High School, but again having to locate and bring down the supplier of a new designer drug, this one a mixture of Adderall, ecstasy, and “God knows what.”Said story is really an excuse to further explore the relationship between Jenko and Schmidt however, the experience putting a strain on their friendship in the same way that uni typically puts pressure on couples who endeavour to stay together for the duration.Jenko joins the football team and makes friends with a supremely dumb jock called Zook (Wyatt Russell), while Schmidt hits it off with the arty crowd,(Download 22 Jump Street) hilariously trying his hand at a spot of slam poetry and slowly falling for a beautiful fellow student.Such activity breeds jealousy and resentment between the pair, the dynamic duo even visiting a counsellor in an effort to save their bromance. It’s a good gag, but one that’s repeated over and over again so that it feels somewhat laboured in the final stretch.New jokes are peppered throughout proceedings, with Jillian Bell hilarious as a Schmidt-hating student called Mercedes, Tatum’s own White House Down coming in for some gentle abuse, and Jenko and Zook crafting a home movie that really has to be seen to be believed.

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Ice Cube is also given more to do as Captain Dickson this time around, his interplay with Hill providing some of the film’s best moments. And you won’t want to miss the end credits as they are filled with hilarious sight gags.But for every new zinger, there’s a re-tread of an old one, from the boys taking drugs and going on a (slightly less funny) trip, to Rob Riggle and Dave Franco returning in pointless and mirth-free cameos that only serve to slow the film down.Indeed one of the movie’s best moments involves Deputy Chief Hardy (Nick Offerman) discussing this second mission, but really talking about the film itself,(Watch 22 Jump Street Online IPOD) admitting that sequels frequently do worse than their predecessors, and literally telling the guys to do the same thing as last time to keep everybody happy. The speech is a smart way to address the elephant in the room, but I’m not sure acknowledging the fact that the film is pretty much a remake excuses the lack of originality on display here.Whatever the case, 22 Jump Street is still a blast; the chemistry between Hill and Tatum as good as ever, the action-packed Spring Break climax both shocking and hilarious, and the gag-to-laugh ratio remaining higher than most comedies. But if it’s successful enough to justify a third instalment, here’s hoping the filmmakers break away from the formula to inject a little freshness into the franchise.

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